Thursday, January 10, 2013


Are you questioning the true health of these meals yet? Ha ha! I know, I have overlooked a lot of healthier routes I could of gone such as using more whole wheats, but for the sake of our finances, I made a list of all the ingredients each of these meals required, and eliminated the ones we already had. Our goal is to start living a healthier lifestyle, and start exploring healthier options in eating home-cooked meals versus our college-foodie like instincts to eat Taco Bell and Kraft macaroni and cheese every night. (Really, it's a problem!) But that being said, if anyone decides to use my recipes for their own experiments, I would definitely recommend using whole wheat substitutions!

We are however feeling so much better during our everyday activities. Scott feels so much more energized after he's up for the day, and says he's much less snack-ier through the day as well. (Could be a placebo, but we'll take it!) My days recently haven't required a whole lot of energy, so I can't necessarily attest to that, but my muscles have felt much more loose, and a lot less tense too which is nice. That's probably from our visit to our apartment's gym. It's right outside our building, how convenient is that? We're trying to cherish that as much as we can!

Anyways, on to the food! Last night's meal was great! We had "Skinny" Cheeseburgers with Gouda cheese, and Roasted Rosemary Red Potatoes on the side.

You can find the recipes for the Skinny Cheeseburgers here, and the Roasted Rosemary Potatoes here.

I really digressed from the cheeseburger recipe, other than the fact I used hamburger meat, and tortillas to make it. This may sound much more tricky than it actually was, I apologize in advance for not including pictures of my process, but if I can do it, you definitely can!

Skinny Cheeseburgers

1/2 lb ground beef
Olive oil
Pepper and salt to taste
Garlic salt or powder to taste
4 flour tortillas 
Sliced gouda cheese

Due to the fact that we are just a family of two, I halved the original recipe, and it worked out well for us. I always season my hamburger meat with olive oil, garlic salt, and pepper. I made four mini patties and grilled them in a skillet. While they were browning, I sliced my tiny wheel of Gouda, to make small cheese slices. Microwave the tortillas for about 15 seconds. After they have cooled for a second, place a couple of cheese slices in the center of the tortilla, followed by a small hamburger patty. Here comes the tricky(ish) part, I then folded over the tortilla in a circular pattern, a lot like how Taco Bell's Crunchwrap's are folded, if that gives you a better picture (I told you, we're total addicts). Then spread the thinnnest layer of butter on each side, and place seam down until ready to grill on a skillet. Grill on each side until brown, about 45 seconds, then flip, starting with the seam side down first so it will stay closed. And done! It's much easier than it sounds... and I think it sounds pretty easy... 

For the Rosemary Red Potatoes, I followed her recipe exactly for once, so I recommend just using her blog for the instructions. 

If you want a somewhat sneak peek of what other recipes are to come in the next few weeks there is a whole compilation of the meals that inspired my healthy(ish) eating meal plan on my Pinterest.

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